Barkery Lane creates boujee & bespoke treats for the furriest loves of your life!
Doughnut cha wish you had
Sprinkles like me
Doughnut cha?
Slaying with Sweetness since February 18 2018, a day that will live in infamy, well maybe not quite, but it definitely is a day that will forever be imprinted on our hearts, the first day we said ‘Oh Hey There Girlfuriends & Stud Muffins.’
Everyday in our opinion is a Snaccident
Snaccident (noun)
Eating an entire pizza, box of Chocolate
& a family tub of ice cream by mistake
Established with one purpose; to create fun, natural & healthy dog treats. Made with L O V E!
Pupper POV: Every Day Is the Weekend = Time to get TREAT FACED
In our world; our customers become part of the Barkery Lane Family, without the continued support, love, endless kindness & puppers with the tricks to keep making those treats disappear, all of the magic would not be possible!
You’re the Ice to my Cream
You’re the Sprinkles on my Doughnut
You’re the Sweet to my Dreams
You’re the W to my OOF
But Mostly
You’re the Best to my Furiend!
To every pupper, thank you, this is for you!
Love Always